Professional Biographies
Registration of distinction in the Center of Study and Research of Nations, 1984
Inclusion in Edition One of the American Biographical Institute (5,000 personalities of the world) for distinguished contributions to the arts and humanities
Inclusion in the World Encyclopedia of Contemporary Artists (best artists of 40 countries)
International Who’s Who of Intellectuals, International Biographical Center, England, 1978
The Marquis Who’s Who in the West, 20th edition (1986-1987)
Who’s Who in American Art, 1966-1973
Who’s Who in Alberta, 1978
History of International Art, (Italian Academy publication), 1982-1983
Dictionary of International Biography (Cambridge, Eng., International Biographical Centre)
A Brush With the West, by Dale A. Burk
The Illustrated Biographical Encyclopedia of Artists of the American West, by Peggy and Harold Samuels, 1982
The Sculpture Reference, by Arthur Williams (2004)/pub: Sculpture Books Publications